Thursday, August 29, 2024

Blog Post #3 ~ 8 Values of Free Expression

8 Values of Free Expression

Values I Find Most Important

The Eight Values of Free Expression, to me, the most important is Governmental Power. Now, in modern society, I feel you always hear about the government doing toxic or swinging things in their favor. This can apply to all of the 8 Free Expression mostly. Elections, laws, and I'm sure many others, and when it comes to the people, they should have the right to know about these abuses of power. Especially when they do stuff in private, that of all things should be monitored and be known so something fishy doesn't happen.

Another one that I find important is Protect Dissent. Censorship is a common thing in the modern day, not just in social media, but the government is trying to censor stuff within social media. When a social media platform tries to censor you on their platform, it's fine and not violating free speech because it's their platform. The company can choose what they want to do on their platform. However, when the government does it, it violates free speech, and there is proof of this happening nowadays; this is why Elon Musk is so passionate about free speech on Twitter/X. There are even people threatening and warning about it because of the whole Telegram shenanigans happening.

I don't know much about it myself, but in the news coverage, I've seen the CEO of Telegram being sued for numerous amount of crimes and has been arrested and released on bail of $5.5 million. Now, I know Telegram has its problems, but so many people use it for communicating, especially people overseas or not in the US. Yeah, some people are going to use the stuff for nefarious reasons, but this is just how people are all over the world. These aren't really my specialty, but I just find it crazy how often governments want to censor things online.

Values That Resonate With Me

I feel like number seven, Promote Innovation, is the one I feel more personal to me. When I can be creative, I love to be, and I find it nice when people can share all their many ideas; some can be weird or out of pocket, but it's still an opinion or idea, and everyone should be able to speak their mind. When you're working as a team, group or in a business, people being able to express themself is very important to them or others. It can make them feel more comfortable in their space.

In the gaming world, becoming a game designer or any other position related to the gaming process. It is a must to speak your mind and push ideas out. It's how to get the creative juices flowing; even if the ideas are bad or good, they can bounce off each other and your members to create better ideas and keep the flow going.

Another value that I resonate with is number four, Individual Self-Fulfillment, and I touch on this a little above already but to add to it. I do think people should be able to express themself how they want. People shouldn't be forced to be the same as someone else or everyone. Humans are so vast and have many cultures, languages, food, sports, races, sexuality, and more. All of those features and traits are what makes us so special as beings, so when there are things that prevent anyone from being themselves, I find it restricting, and wrong. Having that freedom to express your identity is something I value a lot.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Blog Post #2 ~ Supreme Court Reflection

Supreme Court Reflection

What I Found Interesting/Surprising

I didn't know that people refer to the 14th Amendment to be the second Bill of Rights. Being able to protect individuals against excessive state power. I thought the Bill of Rights covered state power and Federal already.

I don't really keep up with a bunch of these things, but when I first heard in the video initially that they get 7,000 cases but only take like a couple hundred, that's still a lot of cases. Hence, it just makes me wonder how they can cover so many cases because different cases have different durations. Surly, some can take multiple days or maybe in a couple of months or more. Hence, it just makes me wonder how the top dog of Courts handles so many cases at once. I'm sure they have staff and a bunch of lawyers to help with the process, but still, seems like a lot.

I know there are different levels of court systems, district / superior courts being the lowest and the Courts of Appeals being like the intimate court right below the Supreme Court, which is the top dog / highest court in the US.

What I learned

I think it's it's pretty obvious when you have multiple judges for a case that they would try to be civil about it. When they're doing a procedure, they try to make sure everyone speaks once before others speak again or twice. From what I gathered, they try everything in their power to be fair and equal and make sure stuff is agreed on when stuff gets tense, ideas get left behind, opinions change, or when opinions do change when concluding a decision.

Learning about the opening 30-minute statement and oral argument is a lot more intricate than it seems. It's a dialogue back and forth between the Justices and the attorney. Sometimes, the justices bounce off of the attorney to have a conversation, and they all have their own separate ideas and ways of thinking. When I think about it does feel like they're having a conversation but very scrambled because they're talking about all these things and opinions and questions within 30 minutes, which is kind of crazy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Blog Post #1 ~ My Top 5 Best News Sources

My Top 5 Best News Sources

#1 Twitch

Over the recent year, I've been watching more kinds of media or news coverage from streams. One, in particular, is HasanAbi. I find him to be very informal when it comes to politics, the world, media, and video game news. He also makes news coverage fun and interesting to watch by making jokes and making fun of Twitch Chat, in which they have many questions. You gonna remember it's still Twitch at the end of the day, so people are always going to troll or ask really stupid questions. My point is that he covers news in an engaging and capturing way that keeps you watching and informed.

#2 Youtube

I use YouTube a lot of times, almost every day. YouTube is mainly my source of entertainment, so I'll likely be on it. Usually, when I don't have time to tune in or watch a Hasan Stream, I go to YouTube and go to his channel or very well-known Clippers that sum up different sections of news of Hasan's Streams. Besides Hasan, I sometimes check the news tab on YT to get a quick and better idea of what's going on in many aspects of news, Social Media, the World, etc.

#3 CNN

CNN is kind of in the middle for me. If I see a new CNN notification that pops up and I want to check it, I usually do. I sometimes also go to CNN for extra context or for the live updates they put out. Being the news articles or the live broadcasts. CNN is also a great way to see all the different categories of news, plus I feel like the website isn't that hard to navigate through.

Twitter or X,  however you want to call it, I've only used it to get a brief glimpse of news and what people are talking about. However, if I'm already on Twitter, I'll scroll through. The news kind of varies from there and then whoever I'm following on Twitter. I usually get more news related to them depending on what they're talking about or whatever that's on my "For You page," but sometimes I'll get news about politics, the world, gaming, or whatever; it's kind of vast.


#5 Nintendo/GameXplain

When it comes to news about gaming, I mostly look at Nintendo; I usually follow their YouTube account to get any updates on videos or Nintendo Directs that they have. For more news about them, I usually follow GameXplain, which covers a bunch of Nintendo stuff happening. Legal stuff, games, business, sales, and any other announcement from Nintendo. 

I also follow Nintendo on Twitter to get extra information because sometimes they post some stuff about games and Development coming out, news with the company, or announcements. I even opt-in to get emails and news about what's going on from Nintendo. I usually don't go to their website that much, but they also have some other information on there as well. It's mostly about games, but they do have different things.

Blog Post #10 ~ EOTO Terms & Concepts (llusory Truth Effect)

Illusory Truth Effect The Illusory Truth Effect is quite the instreaming theory. From a citizen's perspective, it's not a good thing...