Monday, September 23, 2024

Blog Post #10 ~ EOTO Terms & Concepts (llusory Truth Effect)

Illusory Truth Effect

The Illusory Truth Effect is quite the instreaming theory. From a citizen's perspective, it's not a good thing to be honest; it's not good for anyone. However, it does have its advantages, but what is the Illusory Truth Effect? The effect is pretty much believing false information that is spoken upon multiple times until it feels like it's true. For example, if I say coffee is good for you to drink every day for quick and easy energy. The thing is, that is true in some ways, but drinking or taking too much caffeine can be bad for your health, especially the time of the day you take it. Too much coffee can cause sleep disruption, high blood pressure, and weird heart rhythms, making your heart race.

People only hear the good side, and they start to believe it's 100% good for you, but in reality, it's not. The more people hear the lie, the more they begin to believe it. Have you ever heard the term "Don't believe what you see online" or something simpler? That is because what you see and hear can't be taken for granted, especially online. Online is probably the biggest place for misinformation and people stirring the truth. 

Let's look at Twitter/X for example, Twitter is filled with a bunch of people posting misinformation. People see a post and an account that regularly posts information on something and has a bunch of likes, and they believe it. The key thing is to do our research, especially on Twitter. On that platform, it's so easy to spread misinformation that some people even do it on purpose to troll and start drama and propaganda.

A recent drama that I know about is the whole thing with KSI, Logan Pual, and MrBeast collaborating to make a clone and "better" Lunchables called "Lunchly" and then a beloved creator from YouTube who is known by a generation of people, DanTDM, spoke upon something. I don't want to get in the nit and gritty of it, but Logan and others tried to call out Dan, but that didn't go so well... A generation of people came to defend him based on his comment that they shouldn't be advertising a product that could be misleading children. Again, I don't want to get into that topic too deeply, but many people kept correcting them on their product on what they say is true but weren't, and they got "Community Noted" on their posts for that. 

What is Community Notes? Community Notes is a feature on Twitter that adds context to misleading posts that usually have falsified information. This is a very useful feature for anybody involved because anyone can get swayed in the wrong direction in believing a lie to become a false truth. I myself have seen and benefited from community notes (EX: Flappy Bird coming back as a Crypto Scam.), sometimes I even bring up these topics to my parents/family and they either correct me or feel skeptical about what I just mentioned to them. Then I did a little research, and would you know it, what I saw was incorrect. 

Overall, you have to be careful in what you see and hear everywhere and do your research. Be cautious about what narrative is being told before you jump the gun and believe it. Otherwise, people or the media will have you or everyone else believing a story that's not even true or inaccurate.

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Blog Post #10 ~ EOTO Terms & Concepts (llusory Truth Effect)

Illusory Truth Effect The Illusory Truth Effect is quite the instreaming theory. From a citizen's perspective, it's not a good thing...