Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Blog Post #9 ~ Antiwar Conundrums

Antiwar Conundrums

I gonna say I can't believe these websites have been pretty much shadow-banned. I have never seen these websites before. It's kind of like Twitter, where some media or people are just randomly shadow-banned. When I say shadow-banned, I mean whenever you post or do something, your things won't be publicly shared; only people who check your profile or follow you regularly would know what you're doing or posting. 

I would guess the website variation of shadow-banned is when the website is not easily discoverable through regular searches or is suppressed by someone higher up with the power not to show it. For example, companies that have power over searches like Google, Bing, Edge, and other search engines. Also, the countries could be suppressing the trafficking from the website.

The anti-war websites and topics are interesting because from a citizen's perspective, of course, you wouldn't want to fight a war with a bunch of people dying, soldiers dropping left and right, gory situations, and seeing loved ones being affected by War. You just want to live a peaceful life and with all these rules and laws being passed, especially people being able to be drafted for wars, of course, a lot of citizens don't want wars and fights to happen, it just seems like an overall huge negative. 

Especially when sometimes countries don't learn from when a war happens years later, feels like a lot of situations and issues always come back in the future in some weird way or a roundabout way to come back in society.

Now, from a company perspective and businesses and countries overall, depending on the person in power and a lot of them in the higher-ups, are going to think it is a positive. For companies, they benefit from supply and demand. They buy weapons from the same companies, and those companies are the one that funds the government. The government is also more likely to get more taxes for military spending. Also, the media coverage of wars is also crazy, especially when winning fights. The political parties benefit so much and gain so much from it. It can even drive them into the office or further their campaign. 

There are many scary things when it comes to greed and war; when things get tense, I feel like the peaceful or manageable options always get shadowed away...

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